December 19, 2016

作者:Merry 你咋不上天呢! Who do you think you are? 一言不合就...... Whenever you disagree with each other... 蓝瘦香菇 feel bad, want to cry 宝宝心里苦 My heart hurts, but I won't tell. 互相伤害 hurt each other 葛优躺 Ge You-esque slouching 洪荒之力 prehistorical powers 吓死宝宝了 I am freaked out! 撩妹 hit on a girl 累成狗 dog-tired 友谊的小船说翻就翻 The boat of friendship tips over whenever wherever. 供给侧 supply-side 小目标 low-hanging fruit 吃瓜群众 the people who are kept in the dark [...]