抽奖 ▏2021 Home Away From Home – Prize giveaway 3

家外之家 2021
抽奖 ▏2021 Home Away From Home – Prize giveaway 3

Home away from home is a collection of the unique stories written by foreigners in China and compiled by Master Translations Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MTS”), Babel Tower Translation Service Co., Ltd. and Moze (Beijing) Technology Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Moze”), aiming to explore the unique stories of approximately 100 foreign friends who came to China from all over the world.


For every 10 stories shared we will give away 1 bottle of Hungarian red wine sponsored by Babel Tower to a lucky writer.

每分享10个故事,我们就会抽取一名幸运的投稿者,赠送瓶由Babel Tower赞助的匈牙利红酒!


On Monday October 11th at 2 pm Beijing time, we held the third round giveaway for 1 bottles of wine sponsored by Babel Tower. In the end, we had one lucky prize-winners who are Kristina from Russia. The following is her winning story, you can open the link to read her great story.

北京时间 10 月 11 日星期一下午两点我们进行了第三轮抽奖,获奖者是来自俄罗斯的秀颖,以下是她的获奖故事,打开链接阅读她的精彩故事吧!

征文34 ▏Kristina: I think Cantonese food is the best

This competition is open until October 15th. Great prizes can be won. Learn more about our competition and prizes here:


Prizes Update! 2021《家外之家》征文比赛 ▏Home Away From Home
