One would suppose that journeys have a beginning, a definite point of no return from which life inflects and your soles step into unknown paths bestowed with new adventures. Any beginning is arbitrary, choices in a storytelling plot. I, for instance, choose to mark the start of my journey to China one random afternoon at the office where I was working when I got a mail saying that I had been awarded a scholarship to do a master in anthropology at Xiamen University. After that moment, a series of unsuspected events took place, events that I now call my life, my Chinese life, my journey.人们认为,旅行就是一个起点,没有回头路,从这里开始,生活发生改变,你即将踏上未知的旅程,开始全新的冒险。故事情节总是由一次不经意的选择而展开。比如,某天下午我在办公室收到一封邮件,说我获得了攻读厦门大学人类学硕士的奖学金,从那一刻起,意味着我的中国之旅拉开帷幕,意想不到的事情接二连三地发生,这些事情我现在称之为生活,我的中国生活,我的旅程。