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  • Bonjour!2024巴黎奥运会七大看点好city啊

第 33 届夏季奥林匹克运动会将于 7 月 26 日到 8 月 11 日在巴黎举行。开幕式是巴黎当地时间 7 月 26 日晚 7 点 30 分开始(北京时间是 7 月 27 日凌晨 1 点 30 分)。



1. 首届实现男女参赛比例完全相等的奥运会







Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics


Out of the 10,500 athletes participating in the Games, 5,250 will be men and 5,250 women. These Games will be the first to reach full gender parity in terms of number of athletes.

在参加本届运动会的 10 500 名参赛运动员中,男女各为5250名。这将是首届在运动员人数上实现完全性别平等的奥运会。


The mascots of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games called the Phryges. Its name and form are based on the Phrygian caps.

2024年巴黎奥运会和残奥会吉祥物的官方吉祥物——“弗里热(The Phryges)”。它的名字和造型都是以弗里吉亚帽为基础的。

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics

The Phrygian caps were favored over animals, who have mostly been the first choice in other Olympics – such as the ‘Bing Dwen Dwen’ panda at the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing this year.

It’s a symbol of revolution and freedom, of striving. It’s an icon seen over centuries, from the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Eiffel Tower. More specifically, it’s the red bonnet famously worn by Marianne.

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics


The new design brings together three iconic symbols connected to sport, the Games and France – the gold medal, the Olympic and Paralympic flames, and Marianne.

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics

And Marianne, the image of France. She encapsulates the generosity, boldness and creativity that inspires the Paris 2024 Games. Her face is also a nod to history and female athletes, who were first allowed to compete in the Olympics at the 1900 Games in Paris.


For the first time in the history of the Games, the same logo will be used for the Olympics and the Paralympics.

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics

Equality means putting the same ambition into organizing the Paralympic Games as the Olympic Games. Following on from the emblem and the mascots, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will share the same Torch design.


The Paris 2024 Organising Committee unveiled on Monday the official Olympic and Paralympic Games slogan, “Ouvrons Grand les Jeux.” The slogan highlights how the Games will be open to the powerful emotions and passions of sport, with some competitions staged outside the traditional stadium setting. The slogan for the Games, which translates as “Games Wide Open”.

2024年巴黎奥组委于周一揭晓了奥运会和残奥会的官方口号 “Ouvrons Grand les Jeux”。该口号强调了奥运会将如何向体育的强烈情感和激情全面开放,其中部分比赛还将在传统体育场以外的场地举行。这一口号翻译成英文是“Games Wide Open”,中文则是“奥运更开放”


Paris is adding its own French flair to the Olympics with this new color choice. This marks the first time in Olympic history that purple has been used for the track surface.


Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics

About the eye-catching purple, Blondel said, “We liked the purple as it allowed us to move away from the usual colors.” The track is made from a new generation of granules that are more elastic and cohesive. This will ultimately reduce energy loss and go a long way in improving athletes. Though he did not say for sure any new world records would be made on it, he said something exceptional will definitely be witnessed on it.


Will the Purple tracks at the Paris Olympics have any effect on the sprinters’ game?


We have to wait till the summer games begin on July 26 to know for sure if the purple track brews any special magic.

我们必须等到 7 月 26 日夏季运动会开始时才能确定这条紫色跑道是否具有特殊魔力。


The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on July 26, 2024, will take part on the River Seine, organizers announced on Monday, breaking the long-held Summer Games tradition of a stadium procession of athletes and officials.

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics


The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) unveiled the official medal ceremony uniform for the Chinese delegation at the Paris Olympic Games on Tuesday in Beijing, with elements of the Chinese zodiac dragon used in the decoration.

The new podium ceremony outfit, officially named the “Champions Dragon Outfit,” draws deeply from traditional Chinese aesthetics, featuring classic Chinese tailoring and a primary color palette of white. The design integrates elements such as dragon scales using embossing, patchwork, and embroidery techniques. This combination not only conveys China’s rich cultural heritage but also embodies the energetic and determined spirit of modern Chinese athletes.

新的领奖服被正式命名为 “冠军龙服“,它深深地汲取了中国传统美学,采用经典中式版型与留白主色调。设计将“龙鳞”与压花纹路、拼接、刺绣等工艺相结合。向世界传达中国传统文化底蕴的同时,展现新时代中国运动员拼搏进取、朝气蓬勃的精神面貌。

Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics
Seven highlights of the 2024 Paris Olympics


奥运会会徽 Olympic emblem

奥运会吉祥物 Olympic mascots

奥运口号 Olympic slogan

弗里吉亚帽 The Phrygian caps

奥运会和残奥会 the Olympic and Paralympic Games

完全性别平等 full gender parity

冠军龙服 Champions Dragon Outfit

法式风情 French flair




Allez !(法语:加油)


