征文54 ▏Roshan: Life isn’t what you expect…

家外之家 2021
征文54 ▏Roshan: Life isn’t what you expect…


Name : BEPARI ROSHAN ZAMEER姓名:王鹏Country of Origin : India国籍:印度

Occupation : Student of Clinical Medicine


Years in China : 5 years



Life itself drives us where we deserve to be. All you need is to have a plan, commit to your goals, prepare, be consistent and have faith. My story is one example… I went to Germany to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor but it didn’t work out because of my family financial conditions back then. I had to serve myself and I couldn’t give my 100% towards my goal so I planned to continue my studies elsewhere.


The question arose: Where to go for this? Then, I chose China. It is true that China is a symbol of ambition, hard work and success around the globe. In fact, the amazing academic and research developments in China have made this country the first choice for students. Chinese educational institutions have made their mark globally, attracting students and professionals from around the globe.


My decision to study in China was based on my research on the Internet and from a few people I met in Germany and a few friends who studied in China. In fact, the amazing academic facilities, global standards of education and research, friendly relations and, above all, the love and hospitality of the people of China convinced me that China is the best place for studying.


In my search, I looked for the best universities with high rankings and renowned faculties, and learned about the procedure to apply for China Scholarship Council. After reading about the faculty and the school’s research achievements, I shortlisted Jilin university which is ranking in top 10 which made me curious; I sent an email to them through help of my friend requesting the acceptance letter, we had an interview, they appreciated my work and granted it.



Thereafter I started making arrangements about traveling to the university. There were many questions: then through my friend I got references of things to bring along and about few basics that I needed to know before going to China. On September 2016 I reached Beijing airport at morning. It was like entering a new planet; I had no contacts there and was not familiar with the local language.

然后,我准备启程前往吉林大学。但是还有很多问题需要解决。我询问朋友去中国需要带什么,从他那里我也了解到了关于中国的一些基本知识。2016 年 9 月的某天早上,我抵达北京机场。这就像来到一个新的星球,我在中国没有人可以联系,也不懂中文。

At first, I felt like a fish who’d jumped into a dry boat, trying to find a way out. I reached the university 8 hours after leaving the airport from Beijing to Changchun but couldn’t find where the international students’ office was located. After asking many local students, none of whom knew about the international student building’s whereabouts, at last, I found someone from my same major who guided me to the office.

起初,我觉得自己就像一条跳进旱船的鱼,试图找到一条出路。从北京到长春的机场出来 8 小时后,我到达吉林大学,但怎么也找不到留学生办公室。问了很多当地的学生,他们都不知道,最后,我找到了同专业的同学,他带我去办公室。

After talking with the staff, they showed me the dormitory, gave me keys to my room, and even after that the staff member asked if I was OK or still had any questions. It was touching to be helped in such a selfless way.


My medical education time in China was an unforgettable experience, every day was a new adventure, I made life-long friends and lasting memories. What I enjoyed most about my studies in China, is that whatever Mandarin I learned in class, I would use outside as well to communicate with people, whether it be taxi drivers or shop keepers. Having the opportunity to speak Mandarin every day really fostered my learning.


Well, I am sure that learning a new language, along with the medical studies, is not what the local students in India will experience. Above all, Chinese language is becoming so strong in the world, these days, that after I become a doctor, I can even practice in China and in a few countries where this language is spoken. This would certainly add value to my resume as an International Doctor.


Now I am in my internship phase which is my last year probably, now when I look back, it’s been 5 years in China. I have been to many places in vacations and experienced so much beauty in China.

现在我正处于实习阶段,这可能是我大学的最后一年。回首才发现,我已经在中国待 5 年了。我利用假期去了很多地方,欣赏了许多美景。


The main thing I will miss when I leave China is children. Chinese children are so cute and loving. Before the pandemic we had 2 months’ vacation, so in January I went to Jilin to visit my friend and stayed there for 2 months. I had such lovely days, I met a few local kids and we became friends. I used to go play with them literally every day, we exchanged chocolates and learned games from each other.


Suddenly, the COVID pandemic started, and because of travel restrictions I couldn’t leave Jilin. I was stuck there for 8 months straight and I was so worried… Everything had changed so abruptly and I was left with no choice but to stay at one place alone. But I was so privileged, the community people took care of me, being a foreigner they tried helping me in any possible ways. Especially the elderly were so loving. Despite the language barrier they tried communicating with me and we had amazing conversations.

突然间,新冠疫情爆发了,由于旅行限制,我无法离开吉林。我在那里待了 8 个月,我非常忧虑……一切都来得如此突然,我别无选择,只能独自待在同一个地方。但我很荣幸,周遭的人很照顾我这个外国人,他们会尽力帮助我。特别是那些老人,他们是那么的有爱心。尽管语言不通,但他们还是尝试与我交流,我们的沟通非常愉快。

I should also mention about local people doing aerobics in parks, squares, and stations. I still go join them whenever I have time! People here are so fit and fine. I like to watch them doing that fun stuff while taking care of their health. Moreover, the food is very different to Indian food, but I still love it. When I leave, I’m going to miss everything here: my university, my local friends, the beautiful scenery, my hostel room, the sports courts, my professors who inspire me a lot with their knowledge, my classes, labs… Starting from the first year of my medical college life in China, I have participated in every sports, educational events and cultural activities arranged by the university, and outside the university, which made me explore more and strive to learn and do more.



All that has happened to me after arriving in China has made an impression on my heart. The Chinese people are full of hospitality, they are genuinely cooperative, wise-hearted, with a welcoming nature. All concerns I had in my mind about the language barrier, or other difficulties were proved wrong once I arrived in China, the products of misperceptions and misinformation. After coming here, I feel at ease and comfortable being here with the most loving and helpful people in the globe. While I graduate from Jilin university, I also hope I will better understand humanity, hospitality and ethics while living and learning at Changchun. I believe this new understanding will polish and shape me into a brand new human being.


作者:王鹏 翻译:潘泽彬

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